

Stockbridge Township



If you would like to receive an absentee voter ballot for an election you need to fill out an AV Application request. The form is on the form page or you can call or email me to send you a form. Once you fill out the form and sign it, you need to mail it to me or deliver it to the Stockbridge Township office during office hours. One form is required of each person, for each election they wish to receive an absentee voter ballot for.
Click here for AV Ballot Application Request 

Election Day

Polls are open from 7am to 8pm the day of each election. Everyone needs to show a photo ID before they can vote so bring one to the polling place.

Polling Location

The place where all Stockbridge Township registered voters go to vote at all elections is the Stockbridge Township Hall 125 S Clinton Street Stockbridge Michigan, upstairs.

Written Complaints

All complaints concerning zoning ordinance violations in Stockbridge Township must be put in writing and signed before any action will be taken concerning the complaint. The form is on the form and links page of this website or you can pick up one from the Stockbridge Township office during office hours. Once the signed form is submitted by mail, email, fax or delivering to Stockbridge Township office during office hours, the complaint will then be filed with the Stockbridge Township zoning enforcement officer. The zoning enforcement officer will investigate the complaint and decide what should happen concerning the complaint.
Click Here for Zoning Ordinance Violation Complaint Form